Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Future is Green

"Going green" or being eco-friendly has become increasingly popular with the scare of global warming remaining in the back of everyone's head. Many companies are using this "go green" campaign to their advantage by making more eco-friendly products. Because of that, more money is spent on marketing and advertising these products.

I thought this commercial was extremely clever. It told a story while showing the evolution of the color green and what it means to us today. I like how it connected a simple crayon to all these products that are safe for the environment. It also highlighted the reasons why we are turning towards a more "green" environment. I really enjoyed this commercial and the message behind it.

What are your thoughts?

- Alana M.


  1. This is called "cause marketing" and even though companies do it for the profit...it's a win-win situation: they win by creating an edge in the market place, and society wins by "going green." I think this is a great commercial, and a creative way to stay competitive.

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